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Team Performance

Dive into the ins-and-outs of team performance, including: How can coaches improve team performance? How to build and develop a high performance team, How to become team-oriented, and more.

This collection of expert guides and coaching programs will help you skyrocket team performance with evidence-based strategies.

Communication styles in the workplace - it’s personal
Team Performance

Communication styles in the workplace - it’s personal

Communication skills are one of the most sought-after attributes in the workplace. Still, 57% of employees report not being given clear directions on projects, and 69% of managers are not comfortable communicating with employees in general.

Ted Bauer
Teamwork vs collaboration: 3 important skills to improve both
Team Performance

Teamwork vs collaboration: 3 important skills to improve both

So, you've doled out perks like flexible work, home office stipends and more PTO, yet you're still struggling with employee performance and retention? This makes sense. BambooHR research from September 2023 revealed  that employee happiness is lower than it ever was during the COVID-19 pandemic.1

Amy Rigby
Should you trade team building for ‘team bonding’?
Team Performance

Should you trade team building for ‘team bonding’?

Let’s face it: nobody likes being forced into an awkward team building session. You know, the one where everyone is made to dance like a trained monkey, or you’re handcuffed together, or some other thing designed to “bond” a group of coworkers, yet just ends up mildly embarrassing everyone involved and confirming why aliens don’t want to contact Earth.

Amy Rigby
The benefits of performance coaching for career success
Team Performance

The benefits of performance coaching for career success

With the average person spending roughly 90,000 hours at work throughout their lifetime, our careers are a huge part of our daily lives1. Gone are the days when people simply worked to survive. Many of us now strive to find meaning and self-actualization through our careers — and that means being the best version of yourself at work.

Emma Norris
Boundaryless Organizations: What are they and do they matter in 2024?
Team Performance

Boundaryless Organizations: What are they and do they matter in 2024?

The term “boundary less organization” comes from a 1995 book (since updated multiple times) which argued that organizations were, in a sense, constrained by notions such as hierarchy, geography, and physical structure. The authors, partners at a consulting firm, wanted organizations to focus on a free flow of information instead of any internal politics or other factors. The timing of the book is interesting, because Google -- also predicated on a free flow of information -- would be founded in a Northern California garage just the next year. 

Ted Bauer
How to build trust in the workplace (3 easy strategies)
Team Performance

How to build trust in the workplace (3 easy strategies)

So you've assembled your group of superstars. The project brief is ready. You know the goals, and so do they.

Michael Metcalf
How to create a sense of urgency—without the stress!
Team Performance

How to create a sense of urgency—without the stress!

Maybe one of these situations (or something similar) has happened to you: The grocery store clerk takes her sweet time to scan each item as she chats with a customer, unaware of the growing line of shoppers at her register. You get stuck behind a car going 5 miles below the speed limit as you’re running late to work. The dentist tells you that, even though your tooth is aching, he can’t fit you into the schedule for another two weeks.

Amy Rigby
Holding people accountable is the cornerstone of effective work. But how?
Team Performance

Holding people accountable is the cornerstone of effective work. But how?

In some ways, accountability is the entire cornerstone of the work experience. Although some leaders contextualize it around scaring employees, that’s not the right definition of “accountability.” Much more than taking the blame when something goes wrong or confessing to your organizational sins, accountability is about following through on a commitment. 

Ted Bauer
Beyond agile working: This is the future of high-performing teams, according to the CTO of Semantic
Team Performance

Beyond agile working: This is the future of high-performing teams, according to the CTO of Semantic

In Snowbird, Utah, in a small resort nestled in the mountains just east of Salt Lake City, a conference gathered together in 2000 made up of the senior software engineers and architects from a number of development companies, driven by a shared set of problems that they had found that were endemic to their operations. Their belief was, at the time, that software development processes had stagnated because building software was treated the same way as the construction of an aircraft carrier or a massive convention center.

Kurt Cagle
Team effectiveness: The 5 conditions (and how to measure it)
Team Performance

Team effectiveness: The 5 conditions (and how to measure it)

Is team effectiveness the white whale of modern work?In some ways, absolutely yes. There are entire sections of bookstores dedicated to team-building, communication, and collaboration -- and yet, from the stats above and anecdotal evidence within organizations, it feels like many haven’t quite achieved team effectiveness yet. 

Ted Bauer
How do you measure success?
Team Performance

How do you measure success?

How do you measure success? Let’s start by understanding it.

Michael Metcalf
8 Types of Decision Making Styles (and How They Shape Your Workplace)
Team Performance

8 Types of Decision Making Styles (and How They Shape Your Workplace)

Understanding decision making styles can help you make decisions and convince others easily.

Amy Rigby
6 real-life examples proving psychological safety is crucial
Team Performance

6 real-life examples proving psychological safety is crucial

If you’re reading this, you may have noticed that finding concrete, real examples of psychological safety is hard.

Amy Rigby

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