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What motivates Gen Z in the workplace? Key drivers revealed

Generation Z, fondly called Gen Z, is rapidly reshaping the workplace and will make up 30% of the workforce by 2023. What drives this dynamic generation? From purpose-driven work to tech-savvy environments, understanding Gen Z's motivators is crucial for employers looking to attract, retain, and inspire their teams.

What are the unique characteristics of Gen Z?

Gen Z typically refers to individuals born between 1996 and 2010.³ As of 2024, Gen Z ranges from approximately 14 to 28 years old, with the oldest members beginning to establish themselves in the workforce and younger ones still in school.

Gen Z is unique among all generational groups as it is the first to grow up fully immersed in the digital age shaped by smartphones and social media. This generation has never known a world without instant connectivity, apps, online communities, and information at their fingertips, profoundly influencing their worldview and expectations.

As the first generation to be fully immersed in technology from birth, Gen Z is often called "digital natives," having never experienced a world without always-on internet access. A significant 46% of Gen Z⁴ prefer using social media platforms for online searches, often bypassing traditional search engines like Google.

Gen Z was also among the most affected generations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gen Zs experienced massive layoffs, opportunity crises, and a lack of diverse social interactions in the important early years of their career.

Alex Rhodes, founder of AutoNoMail, observes:

"As Gen Z enters the workforce, we see stark differences in what motivates them compared to Millennials and Baby Boomers. Their significantly higher turnover rate poses a global challenge for employers trying to retain this new generation."

Understanding what motivates Gen Z

Gen Z, shaped by digital innovation and global challenges, brings unique perspectives to the workplace. Employers must delve into their core motivations, priorities, and preferences to attract and retain this dynamic generation. Understanding the motivation behind Gen Z's preferences is crucial.

Gen Z is motivated by work with a purpose

For 86% of Gen Z, work isn't just about earning a paycheck—it's about making a difference. This generation seeks roles that positively impact society, aligning closely with their values and ethics.

Gen Zs are drawn to companies that demonstrate strong social responsibility, often prioritizing purpose over profit. Employers who communicate a clear mission and showcase their positive contributions to the world are likelier to attract and retain Gen Zs. For this cohort, feeling that their work matters is a key motivator and source of job satisfaction.

Gen Z values work-life balance

With the COVID-19 pandemic reshaping how and where we work, Gen Z is rewriting work-life balance rules by prioritizing flexibility7 and personal well-being. They seek employers who offer adaptable work arrangements, allowing them to integrate their professional and personal lives seamlessly.

Mental health is a top priority for Gen Z, who expect support and understanding from their workplace. They're drawn to companies that respect personal time, viewing it as essential for productivity and job satisfaction. For this generation, a healthy work-life balance isn't a perk—it's a non-negotiable aspect of their career expectations.

Gen Z is highly motivated by career growth opportunities

Gen Z is ambitious and eager to advance, viewing their careers as pathways for rapid growth and skill acquisition. They crave clear, well-defined career progression paths that allow them to visualize their future within an organization.

This generation values continuous learning and seeks employers who offer robust mentorship and coaching programs. They're drawn to workplaces that invest in professional development and provide opportunities to expand their skill sets quickly.

For Gen Z, the promise of accelerated growth and guidance is a powerful motivator, often outweighing immediate financial rewards.

🌟 Explore Marlee's scalable AI-powered coaching programs to attract, engage, and retain your Gen Z team members.

Gen Z values tech-savvy workplaces

As digital natives, Gen Z expects workplaces to mirror their tech-centric lives. They thrive in environments equipped with cutting-edge tools and advanced technologies, viewing outdated systems as barriers to efficiency.

70% of Gen Z prefer digital channels for communication and collaboration, often favoring instant messaging and virtual platforms over traditional methods.

Gen Z appreciates data-driven decision-making. Companies that embrace digital innovation attract Gen Z talent and benefit from their innate ability to navigate and optimize new technologies.

🚀 Learn how to motivate your Gen Z team members remotely with Marlee's AI chatbot.

Diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords for Gen Z

Despite ongoing US national debates,⁸ diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are non-negotiable workplace values for Gen Z. 83% of Gen Zs expect genuine representation and equal opportunities across all levels, regardless of race or gender identity.

Gen Z looks for inclusive cultures where every voice is valued and seeks employers with a positive impact on society.

Companies authentically embracing DEI and demonstrating positive impact are more likely to attract and retain Gen Zs, who bring passion and principle to their work.

How to Develop Diverse Teams

Gen Z is motivated by financial security and stability

Financial anxiety looms large for Gen Z, with less than 31% feeling financially secure.9 70% of Gen Z, having witnessed economic instability, prioritize a competitive salary when choosing employers.

As Jeffrey Zhou, CEO of Fig Loans, notes,

"Gen Z employees who are not paid fairly are more likely to job hop and find new opportunities that offer better pay rather than waiting for a salary increase with their current employer."

Gen Zs value continuous open feedback

Gen Z thrives on open communication and collaboration. They crave regular, constructive feedback beyond annual reviews and prefer frequent check-ins with management.

This generation values transparent performance metrics, which allow them to track their progress and contributions. Recognition and appreciation are powerful motivators, and Gen Z expects acknowledgment for their efforts.

They flourish in collaborative environments, whether face-to-face or via online collaboration software, where ideas are freely shared and teamwork is encouraged. This approach fosters innovation, enhances project outcomes, and keeps Gen Z engaged and motivated.

💬 Support your Gen Z team members by learning the art of constructive criticism.

Strategies to motivate your Gen Z team members

As Gen Z reshapes the workforce, attracting and retaining them requires tailored strategies. Here are key approaches to engage, inspire, and retain Gen Z team members in your organization:

Offering personalized career growth pathways and development plans

Gen Z's appetite for growth is unparalleled, with many viewing learning as key to their career advancement. Tailor development plans to individual career goals, aligning personal goals with organizational objectives.

Establish regular career mapping sessions. Go beyond traditional training by offering micro-learning opportunities and stretch assignments.

💪🏼 Leverage AI-powered coaching platforms such as Marlee to personalize skill development.

For Gen Z, professional development isn't just a perk—it's an expectation that directly impacts their job satisfaction and loyalty.

Mentorship and reverse mentorship

Engage your Gen Z employees through innovative mentorship programs. Implement traditional and reverse mentorship initiatives, facilitating knowledge exchange between senior and junior staff.

Organize goal-oriented discussions that tap into Gen Z's fresh perspectives while providing them with valuable industry insights. Create employee resource groups based on shared interests, affinities, or ethical values, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

This approach develops your Gen Z team members and keeps your organization dynamic and forward-thinking.

Tailored flexible work arrangements

While Gen Z values flexibility, their work arrangement needs vary. Offer various options, from hybrid to fully remote setups, acknowledging that many Gen Z workers prefer hybrid models.

However, avoid one-size-fits-all approaches. As Roman Zrazhevskiy, Founder & CEO at MIRA Safety, notes,

"Some Gen Zs thrive more in a physical office."

Conduct regular surveys to understand individual preferences and adjust accordingly. Implement digital collaboration tools and establish clear communication guidelines to ensure productivity across all work models.

This flexibility attracts Gen Z team members and boosts retention, with flexible employers seeing higher retention.

Cultivating team dynamics for Gen Z engagement

For Gen Z, team dynamics are important, with a preference for collaborative work environments. This generation values authentic connections and thrives in cohesive teams.

To foster engagement, implement structured team-building initiatives:

  • Host regular cross-functional team dynamics workshops to break silos and encourage diverse perspectives. How to run a team dynamics workshop.
  • Use evidence-based assessments like Marlee's motivational analysis to improve team understanding and communication.
  • Organize hackathons or innovation days to spark creativity and team problem-solving.

By investing in team cohesion, you're meeting Gen Z's need for connection and driving organizational success. For Gen Z, a positive team environment is often a factor in job satisfaction and retention.

Leveraging digital tools for seamless Gen Z collaboration

With distributed work and hybrid models, digital communication tools are no longer optional but essential. Gen Z, as digital natives, prefers to communicate quickly over digital channels:

  • Video conferencing: Tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet
  • Instant messaging: Platforms such as Slack or Discord align with Gen Z's quick, informal communication preference.
  • Project management tools: Trello, Asana, or Monday.com streamline workflows, offering the transparency and organization Gen Z craves.
  • Collaborative workspaces: Tools like Notion or Coda, which combine notes, wikis, and tasks, cater to Gen Z's desire for integrated information hubs.
  • Virtual whiteboards: Canva, Miro, or Mural facilitate visual collaboration, crucial for many of Gen Z who identify as visual learners.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI): Marlee's AI chatbot analyzes team dynamics and individual strengths, providing personalized insights to improve team collaboration.

Integrating these tools creates a cohesive workplace that keeps Gen Z engaged and boosts overall productivity. For Gen Z, the quality of digital tools directly impacts their perception of an employer's efficiency.

Feeling unmotivated?

Find out how to unlock your motivation.

In summary: Motivating Gen Z in the workplace

Understanding what motivates Gen Z is crucial for attracting, engaging, and retaining this generation. Born into a digital world and shaped by global challenges, Gen Z seeks more than just a paycheck—they crave purpose, growth, and innovation.


  1. 'Gen Z in the Workplace: How Should Companies Adapt?' Available at Johns Hopkins University. https://imagine.jhu.edu/blog/2023/04/18/gen-z-in-the-workplace-how-should-companies-adapt/
  2. 'On the Cusp of Adulthood and Facing an Uncertain Future: What We Know About Gen Z So Far' Available at Pew Research University. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/05/14/on-the-cusp-of-adulthood-and-facing-an-uncertain-future-what-we-know-about-gen-z-so-far/
  3. 'What is Gen Z?' Available at Mckinsey. 'https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/mckinsey-explainers/what-is-gen-z
  4. 'Is Social Media The New Google? Gen Z Turn To Google 25% Less Than Gen X When Searching' Available at Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/software/social-media-new-google/
  5. 'Why Diverse Teams Are Smarter' Available at Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2016/11/why-diverse-teams-are-smarter?utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=intlcontent_bussoc&utm_term=Non-Brand&tpcc=intlcontent_bussoc&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzva1BhD3ARIsADQuPnXcfkQRZbfbtIvs0ly5Tb6dgsi7_3GYzWwThcrRl_LcbUvbt2J8j-EaAvA6EALw_wcB
  6. 'What workforce diversity means for Gen Z' Available at Monster. https://hiring.monster.com/resources/workforce-management/diversity-in-the-workplace/workforce-diversity-for-millennials
  7. 'It's not a stretch: Gen Z and millennials want flexibility and balance' Available at Deloitte. https://action.deloitte.com/insight/3375/its-not-a-stretch-gen-z-and-millennials-want-flexibility-and-balance
  8. 'What is DEI and why is it dividing America?' Available at CNN. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/09/us/what-is-dei-and-why-its-dividing-america/index.html
  9. 'Financial worry is a top driver of anxiety among Gen Z, new EY study finds' Available at EY. https://www.ey.com/en_us/newsroom/2023/09/financial-worry-is-a-top-driver-of-anxiety-among-gen-z-new-ey-study-finds

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