Creating a Marlee account
How to create an account with Marlee
Follow our step-by-step guide to create an account with Marlee.
Published August 16, 2024
In this guide, you'll learn how to create an account with Marlee. We'll go through each step to get you up and running quickly.
Let's get started

Tell us a little bit about you.

Set your company name. This enables Marlee to connect you with others in your organization if you wish.
Marlee works best when your team also uses Marlee.

Click "Invite."

And that's how you set up your account!
Related Questions:
Why does Marlee ask about your month and year of birth?
Discover why Marlee collects information on your month and year of birth. This enables you to receive valuable insights based on motivational data.
Setting your preferences
Learn how you can customize your Marlee experience with this quick guide on setting your preferences.
Creating your Marlee profile
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