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Overcome imposter syndrome at work with our expert guide

Ever felt like a fraud at work, despite your achievements? You're not alone. Imposter syndrome affects up to 70% of professionals, undermining confidence and career growth. Discover what drives this phenomenon and learn effective strategies to overcome it, reclaiming your professional power.

What is imposter syndrome in the workplace?

Imposter syndrome is a persistent belief that you're not as competent as others perceive you, despite evidence of your success. It involves self-doubt, fear of being exposed as a "fraud," and difficulty internalizing your achievements, often affecting your professional life.

Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes first researched what we now know as imposter syndrome in the late 1970s. The pair studied what they referred to as the 'imposter phenomenon' as it presented in women.2

Clance and Imes found that successful women often felt their success was undeserved. For their research, they spoke to many high-achieving women. Imposter syndrome was rife among them. For example, some women were skeptical of their admission to grad school. They believed their admission resulted from an administrative error rather than their talent.2

While imposter syndrome affects both men and women, it still tends to be more prevalent in women.

Imposter syndrome often affects individuals who are objectively successful. They are often well-regarded by their peers. Despite this, affected individuals experience feelings of unworthiness. People with imposter syndrome may feel that their success is undeserved or that it results from good luck, accident, or good timing.

People with imposter syndrome may fear being 'found out.' They feel a sense of doom that their peers will discover how undeserving they are of their success at any moment. People with imposter syndrome may also struggle with a fear of failure, which can affect their professional and personal lives.

For individuals experiencing imposter syndrome, navigating the workplace can be tricky. Despite their success, they may feel they could be 'caught out' at any moment, leading to anxiety and high-stress levels.

What are the symptoms of imposter syndrome?

So, how do you know if you're experiencing imposter syndrome? You can start by asking yourself these questions. If they resonate with you, you may be experiencing some symptoms of imposter syndrome.

  • Do you feel like a fraud?
  • Do you set yourself unrealistic or lofty goals?
  • Do you have a constant fear of being 'found out'?
  • Do you attribute your success to luck rather than your talent?
  • Do you question your judgment and skills, particularly in professional settings?
  • Do you put off tasks for fear of failure?

In the workplace, answering yes to these questions could have many effects. You might be unwilling to take on new responsibilities. Or you might experience high levels of anxiety when faced with new tasks.

Who struggles with imposter syndrome?

Many different types of people struggle with imposter syndrome. Some might assume that only perfectionists have feelings of imposter syndrome. Yet, this is not the case.


In perfectionists, imposterism tends to manifest as a fixation on the little things. A big presentation may have gone well. Still, the perfectionist may fixate on an inconsequential detail that went wrong. Subsequently, they may feel this minor flaw derailed the entire presentation.

The naturally talented

Those with natural talent may feel disappointed in themselves when they need help with a new task. They might feel that needing help undermines their natural talent.


Individuals with significant expertise don't necessarily fare any better. They may measure themselves against their peers and find themselves lacking. This could be because their skills are niche, or they may feel that despite their expertise, they are not as skilled or talented as their peers.

Those who 'have it all'

Imposter syndrome also affects those who seek to 'have it all.' This is often the case due to harmful stereotypes that are impossible to live up to. For example, working mothers may feel pressure to be perfect parents and perfect employees, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy on one or both fronts.

Marginalized communities may feel significant pressure to 'prove' themselves against negative stereotypes. This can often lead to feelings of imposter syndrome.

How does imposter syndrome develop?

Given how many people are affected by imposter syndrome, it's worth considering the causes.

Research indicates that individuals who differ from their peers often feel imposter syndrome. First-generation college graduates and women in high-tech careers often fall prey to this syndrome. This could be because there are few mentors and peers in their environment they can relate to.3

Imposter syndrome is common among underrepresented groups. Among college students, African American, Latina, and Asian American students were most likely to experience imposter syndrome. These groups have been historically underrepresented among college alums. They have faced significant discriminatory access barriers. Research suggests several reasons why imposter syndrome may be more prevalent among these groups. They are more likely to face barriers to financial aid, have to work to support themselves and endure negative stereotypes.3

People suffering from other mental health conditions may be more likely to face imposter syndrome.3 These include conditions such as social anxiety disorder, ADHD or depression.

If you're struggling with imposter syndrome, know you're not alone. Some of the most successful people have discussed their struggles with it, including Albert Einstein, Serena Williams, Jennifer Lopez, Natalie Portman, Lupita Nyong'o, and Tom Hanks.4

Workplaces in which employees feel unsupported or undervalued can create feelings of imposter syndrome, as can overly critical workplaces. Unhealthy workplaces can also promote negative feelings in individuals about the nature and value of their work.

How to know if you have imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome can affect many areas of an individual's life. These include relationships, academic pursuits, parenting, and a constant feeling of being an imposter or fraud, which can limit an individual's quality of life.

In the workplace, imposter syndrome can manifest in many ways, mainly through:3

  • Increased levels of stress
  • Burnout
  • Decreased job performance
  • Decreased job satisfaction
  • Lack of motivation to lead
  • Not pursuing promotion opportunities
  • Stifled career growth

In these cases, imposter syndrome can foster a vicious cycle. You may not want to step up for leadership opportunities, which in turn may make you feel like more of an imposter. Feelings of burnout can also lead to more feelings of imposterism. For example, you might ask yourself how all your colleagues handle the stress when you seem unable to.

The truth is that your feelings of imposterism are not based on reality. More often than not, your brain distorts reality to fit into your existing negative thinking patterns.

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How to overcome imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome is not formally recognized as a mental health condition. It's not listed in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), so you can't receive an official diagnosis of imposter syndrome. 

Researchers have developed methods to assess an individual's level of 'imposterism.'3 However, imposter syndrome is most commonly self-diagnosed through symptoms and experiences.

Imposter syndrome often presents with other mental health complications. If these affect your everyday life, it's also worth seeking treatment.

There is no set course of treatment for imposter syndrome symptoms, but certain approaches may be beneficial.

Remember, imposter syndrome is not a sign of weakness. It simply means you suffer from cognitive distortion when assessing your abilities. Many people struggle to understand the symptoms of imposter syndrome, so recognizing that this is an area you need support in is a great first step.

If you suspect you have imposter syndrome, it might help to turn to a coaching service such as Marlee. While not a replacement for treatment by a licensed therapist, coaching can help you focus on your achievements and talents. People with imposter syndrome often can't break out of negative thinking habits. Coaching can be an excellent tool to train yourself to slowly put your fears into perspective.

Try online coaching programs such as: 

  1. Understand what motivates you

The first step with Marlee is to understand what motivates you. Your motivations are unique to you and tie into your strengths and weaknesses (which we prefer to call blind spots). Once you've completed the free motivational analysis, ask Marlee, our AI, questions such as "What are my strengths?"

Graphic showing how you can ask our AI, Marlee

For example, some individuals need to read hard evidence that an idea can work before being convinced. For these people, making a list of their achievements may help them overcome imposter syndrome. Regularly reading your list of accomplishments may serve as positive reinforcement. Over time it will help shift your mindset away from negative feelings.

Understanding your strengths can help you find ways to apply those strengths to all areas of your work and personal life. Similarly, understanding your blind spots can help put these into perspective and develop them. Nobody is naturally talented in every area, so understanding what you still need to work on can be beneficial.

  1. Build confidence

You can develop a realistic picture of yourself by understanding your strengths and blind spots. This is not always easy, and you might even find it confronting. However, it will help you build your confidence because you'll know what areas you excel in. There are plenty of tips and tricks to boost your self-esteem, so try a few and see what works best for you.

  1. Set goals

Marlee, our AI-powered coach, can help you set new goals for your personal and work life. Try our Goal Catcher online coaching program.

Once you've reached a new goal, celebrate your success! And, of course, it's essential to ensure you're setting realistic goals, so don't get too carried away when making your plan.

  1. Practice mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness looks different for everyone. Meditation might be the key to overcoming these feelings for some people with imposter syndrome. Allow yourself the space to examine your thoughts and let them pass you by. Meditation can be a powerful coping mechanism when overwhelmed by the imposter experience.

Journaling is an excellent tool for supporting mental health and managing negative feelings. It has been proven to benefit those experiencing common symptoms of imposter syndrome.5Affirmations are another great tool to have at the ready in times of stress

Affirmations are another great tool to have at the ready in times of stress. You can use affirmations verbally, for instance, by telling yourself, 'I am enough' or 'I am worthy of my success' in the mirror in the morning. Another great option is to write your affirmations on sticky notes and leave them around your house or office.

Making a cup of tea? Remind yourself that you've earned your success. Brushing your teeth? Remember that you've worked hard to get to where you are. Affirmations may feel a little corny at first, but they work.

  1. Share your feelings

Take your pick—a coffee date with a friend, a walk in the park with a parent or mentor, or a session with a licensed therapist. There's a good reason we feel better after a chat. Airing your feelings with someone you trust can help ease the burden.

You could consider confiding in your manager if you work in a supportive workplace. Together you can work on strategies to help you manage your feelings. However, only do this if you're confident you'll get the support you need. The last thing you need is to feel worse about your feelings.

Remember, everyone questions their abilities from time to time. What's less common is experiencing an all-encompassing fear of being found out as a fraud. If this is the case, it might be time to consider whether you're experiencing imposter syndrome.

While it can feel overwhelming, you can overcome imposter syndrome. Take steps to improve your overall mental health and remind yourself why you're worthy of success. You'll be fraud-free in no time.


1. 'Imposter Syndrome'. Available at: Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/imposter-syndrome

2. Clance, P/Imes, S. (1978). 'The Imposter Phenomenon in High Achieving Women: Dynamics and Therapeutic Intervention'. Available at: Psychotherapy Theory, Research and Practice Volume 15, #3, Fall 1978. https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/doc/

3. Bravata, D, et al. (2019) 'Prevalence, Predictors, and Treatment of Impostor Syndrome: a Systematic Review'. Available at: J Gen Intern Med. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31848865/

4. Benisek, A. (2022) 'What Is Imposter Syndrome?'. Available at: Web MD. https://www.webmd.com/balance/what-is-imposter-syndrome

5. University of California - Los Angeles. (2007) 'Putting Feelings Into Words Produces Therapeutic Effects In The Brain'. Available at: Science Daily. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/06/070622090727.htm

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