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General Wellbeing

Understanding and prioritizing your general wellbeing is one of the best ways to quickly hack your work and life.This collection of expert guides and coaching programs will help you get in touch with your own wellbeing, build your resilience and develop stress management skills.

The power of self-acceptance — and 12 ways to build it
General Wellbeing

The power of self-acceptance — and 12 ways to build it

“How often are you kind to yourself and think you're fine as you are?”

Amy Rigby
How to deal with angry people: 10 strategies to try
General Wellbeing

How to deal with angry people: 10 strategies to try

Running into people who are angry or upset is unavoidable-whether it’s an angry customer at work or a loved one whose emotions are running high. 

Kat Boogaard
How to build self-confidence naturally
General Wellbeing

How to build self-confidence naturally

The woman at the bar who’s the life of the party and makes everyone laugh. The student sitting next to you in algebra, whose hand shoots up whenever the professor asks a tough question. Your colleague who had the gall to push for a raise (and got it) when you were too afraid to ask. You may think that these people are just naturally self-confident. Could you ever be the same?

How to harness the benefits of positive thinking without going overboard
General Wellbeing

How to harness the benefits of positive thinking without going overboard

The benefits of positive thinking are plentiful—as long as you don’t take it too far

Amy Rigby
Emotional well-being: It matters more than you think
General Wellbeing

Emotional well-being: It matters more than you think

If negative emotions hijack your daily life, and you’re struggling to feel positive, it’s time to tend to your emotional well-being.

Amy Rigby
Resilience training: Your secret weapon in difficult times
General Wellbeing

Resilience training: Your secret weapon in difficult times

When life knocks you down, resilience training gives you the skills to get back up and grow from adversity. By learning things such as how to manage stress levels, reframe thoughts and practice gratitude, you can build your capacity for hardships.

Amy Rigby
What is psychological well-being (and how to improve yours)?
General Wellbeing

What is psychological well-being (and how to improve yours)?

Psychological well-being is when you’re mentally healthy and feel positive overall about your life.

Kat Boogaard
How to stop feeling guilty: 7 ways to beat back the universal emotion
General Wellbeing

How to stop feeling guilty: 7 ways to beat back the universal emotion

As far back as 1955, researchers have indicated guilt is an universal emotion, meaning it’s felt by everyone at some level. The psychological research belief is generally that the feeling of guilt, like that of any other emotion, is the same anywhere in the world -- but its causes and consequences can vary a lot from an individual to another and from one culture to another.

Ted Bauer
How to set life goals that lead to happiness (with examples)
General Wellbeing

How to set life goals that lead to happiness (with examples)

We all have dreams and desires for our lives—things we want to accomplish, the type of lifestyle we want to maintain, or experiences we want to soak in. 

Kat Boogaard
What is locus of control? (Hint: it drives every choice you make)
General Wellbeing

What is locus of control? (Hint: it drives every choice you make)

Do you ever feel like life is passing you by? Like you're observing things from the window of a moving train car, waiting to get to your destination?

Michael Metcalf
How to handle jealousy in a healthy way
General Wellbeing

How to handle jealousy in a healthy way

Experiencing a tinge of jealousy is something we're all familiar with. Maybe a coworker landed that coveted job you'd been hoping for, a friend bought a new car, or your partner has been been paying someone else a little too much attention. They don’t call it the green-eyed monster for nothing – jealousy is never a pleasant feeling, and it's all too easy for it to work its way into your life and your headspace.

Amy Rigby
Is a lack of motivation stopping you from living your best life?
General Wellbeing

Is a lack of motivation stopping you from living your best life?

As 2020 draws to a close many people are feeling a lack of motivation. Year end fatigue isn't uncommon, but this year has been particularly challenging. Covid-19 has left scars across nations and households, leaving countless people feeling desperate, depressed and with low motivation to keep going.

Bev Campling
How to be patient and keep your cool in stressful situations
General Wellbeing

How to be patient and keep your cool in stressful situations

The fast-paced world we live in doesn’t leave much room for patience—or so it would seem.

Michael Metcalf

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